Garrison Brothers Small Batch 750ml

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Buy the best selection of Garrison Brothers Small Batch at Global Whiskey Line. We have the right Garrison whiskey at the right price for you.


Garrison Brothers Small Batch 750ml

Enjoying a bottle of Small Batch is an experience unlike any other. It’s everything rich and good about bourbon, without the bite. Our bourbon is amber-crimson like a Texas sunset, darker, richer, and fuller than almost any other bourbon on the market.

We don’t source whiskey from elsewhere and we never will. Our bourbon is made – from corn-to-cork – in Hye, Texas, one barrel at a time. It’s handcrafted from a sweet mash of premium, #1 food-grade corn, soft red winter wheat from local farms, and two row barley.


Garrison Brothers Small Batch Tasting Notes

Subtle nose of golden delicious apple-meat and honey. Sweet floral verbena, fresh cut grass, saddle leather, cinnamon and honey. Springtime flavors of honeysuckle and orange candy, yellow pound cake, baking spices, lemon gumdrops, and sugar cookies. Long and engrossing finish. Complex. Smoky county fair caramel apple sprinkled with walnuts and cinnamon.



Category Bourbon Whiskey
Spirits Style Small Batch Bourbon
ABV 47%
State Texas

1 review for Garrison Brothers Small Batch 750ml

  1. Rated 4 out of 5


    Used this site a few times now, always really helpful, friendly, and very knowledgeable. Would definitely recommend buying from them.

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