Japanese Whisky
In the age-old art of whisky making, Japanese whisky is a relative newcomer. Taking inspiration from traditional Scotch whisky techniques, the character profile of Japanese whiskies is comparable to the honeysuckle and toffee notes of the Lowland style and the fruity flavours of the Speyside style.
Such is the quality of craft and the unique styles found in Japanese whisky, that it’s no surprise to see that these spirits have spiralled in popularity and deservedly received much acclaim from the Western whisky market.
If you’re searching for Japanese whisky in the UK, look no further than the amazing selection of spirits available here at The Whisky World. We’re proud to stock brands that are renowned for their unique character profiles and high-quality whiskies, including Mars, Nikka Yoichi, and Suntory Yamazaki, to name but a few.
Showing 1–9 of 34 results
Japanese Whisky
Hibiki 21 Year Old 750ml
Original price was: € 1,100.00.€ 1,050.00Current price is: € 1,050.00.