Jack Daniels Monogram 750ml
It is said that Jack Daniel served whiskey to his closest friends from his own personal, fine glass, monogrammed decanters. These decanters were reserved for special occasions, and it was with this in mind that the Jack Daniel Distillery released the 750-ml Monogram bottle in 2009. Filled with 94-proof whiskey, this bottle was sold without a hang tag but came in an attractive silver and black box. When it was introduced in 2009, the Monogram bottle was a limited release for the state of Tennessee only. However, even though 2009 was the first year this bottle was available in the United States, it was actually released internationally in 1998 and then again in 2004. While these are not considered different generations of this bottle of Jack Daniel, For collectors, they are definitely considered different versions.
Jack Daniels Monogram 750ml”– Taste-bound Beyond Anticipation
Navigate through the genuine embodiment of taste-bound eruption with the Jack Daniels Monogram 750ml, each sip ensuring a distinct sensory expedition.
Category | Tennessee Whiskey |
ABV | 47% |
Size | 750 ml |
Proof | 94 |
Weight | 2.2 kg |
Cyril –
I pity fools who downplay this popular drink. It’s easy, tasty, affordable. Not harsh. Enjoy.