Michter’s 20 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
The Michter’s Barrel Program is a selection of the very best single barrels of Bourbon, Rye, and American Whiskey that our Master Distiller, Willie Pratt, chooses to bottle. No blending takes place between barrels, so each expression is a true representation of an individual barrel.
Rich with toffee, caramel, and hints of vanilla, this rare 20-year-old single-barrel whiskey is a refined spirit that celebrates the heritage of America’s oldest whiskey-producing state. The history of Michter’s 20-year-old Bourbon goes back to 1890, when it was first distilled at the historic Schaefferstown distillery in Pennsylvania.
Michter’s Distillery 20-Year-Old Bourbon is the brainchild of master distiller Willie Pratt. Pratt, a maturation perfectionist with over forty years of distilling experience, is known as “Dr. Nosince he often refuses to bottle aging barrels of whiskey. According to Pratt, whiskey that is aged for over a decade hits a “fork in the road and can either become incredible or unpalatable. “One of the barrels we sampled was unbelievably woody,” Magliocco says. “And we reject that; we literally seize it. Willie had another barrel that tasted delicious, but the consistency was like molasses, and we obviously couldn’t sell that.”
Michter’s Distillery 20-Year-Old Single Barrel Bourbon is a sourced bourbon that Pratt realized had hit its peak. The single-barrel bourbon has a dark amber color along with an aroma of coffee, vanilla beans, and smoked chips. Notes of spices dominate the palate and are complemented by touches of milk chocolate, citrus, molasses, and caramel. The finish is medium-long, with touches of chewy leather, smoked dates, and oak.
Intense notes of black cherry, rich molasses, honeysuckle, roasted pecans, toasted charred oak
Category | Bourbon Whiskey |
Brand | Michter’s |
ABV | 57.1% |
Size | 750ml |
Felix –
To expensive